Treasure (Loquats), 22×18, oil

Christine White Art - original oil painting, titled "Trees Are", featuring loquats painted realistically and integrating gold paint, and a frame with the words "Treasure" at the bottom. 22x18 inches, an oil painting

Solstice, 7.5×20, limited prints on wood

The Graying of My Hair, 16″, oil on canvas

Christine White Art, "The Graying of My Hair", detail view
Christine White Art, "The Graying of My Hair", side view

Artificial, 24×20, reverse paint on glass

Citrus Paradisi – Clarity, 20×16, oil

LaQuats, Pure, oil & mixed media, 10.5×16.5

LaQuats, Innocent!, oil & mixed media, 10.5×16.5

Sea Nettle, Gas & Metal, 27×12, oil on paperboard

Reptile Green: Forest, 10×8, reverse paint on glass

The green tones in this skin recall a snake, a dragon or even an alligator. This piece is a reverse painting, first created with a skin texture and then more layers painted over it from the back side of the glass.

Due to the fragile nature of painting on glass, this piece – like all of my glass pieces – comes framed.

Pricing Information: $230 USD

Reptile Red: Fire, 10×8, reverse paint on glass

Perhaps it is a dragon whose beautiful red skin glows so warm. This piece is a reverse painting, first created with a skin texture and then more layers painted over it from the back side of the glass.

Due to the fragile nature of painting on glass, this piece – like all of my glass pieces – comes framed.

Pricing Information: $230 USD

Circles of Sound & Light, 12 inches, oil

Original oil paintings, these pieces combine a musician’s tool with a painter’s tool: the circle of fifths and a color wheel. They are truly functional art pieces, useful as a tool for composing whether you are a musician, a painter, or both. The markers in the photo are there to show the size of the pieces.

The twelve tones in diatonic music theory and the twelve colors in a color wheel are portrayed together with other visual elements that make each piece unique. One piece features phases of the moon. Another features thickly painted golden textures. All four pieces have a twelve-point star hand-sewn with thread in the middle. The star’s edges point to different combinations for planning a color scheme: triads and tetrahedrons.

Each piece is painted on a 12-inch diameter archival canvas that has a sloped, rounded edge. They are ready to hang with no need for a frame.

Pricing Information: $225 USD, each

Some close-ups of the hand-sewn stars and paint texture:

Valley Velvet, 16×12, oil

These irises were painted from life in my yard and then finished in studio. I paint flowers, landscapes and people from life every spring as a way to celebrate my birthday: new life all around, and a shiny new year for me. This piece is meant to evoke a sense of serenity, partnering a waking city and blooms anticipating the rising sun. The palette is purposefully limited to accentuate the deepness of the violet petals, the gold in the iris beards, and the twinkling lights in the background.

Pricing Information: $700 USD

Saddle Rock from Ryan Mountain, 14×18, oil on panel

Iconic Saddle Rock, as seen from the Ryan Mountain Trail in Joshua Tree National Park. At the end of the day when the sun lights up the entire view with a warm glow, there is a feeling of awe and serenity.

Little wildflowers line the age-worn rocks alongside the trail. This piece is a quiet moment, witnessing the power and vastness of a special place.

Below are details from the painting, showing the textures and brushwork of the rocks and plants, while the sky is painted soft and ephemerally.

Christine White, Art - Detail of Saddle Rock
Christine White, Art - Detail of Wildflowers, Ryan Mountain Trail

Pricing Information: $850 USD

Sky on the Water, Life Beneath – 24×12, oil

This piece is the meditative movement of koi fish circling in a pond, and the sky reflecting on the water. A metaphor for the forces in and around us when we really slow down.⁣ It also captures the spirit of how I experience Southern California on the best days, when the sky is clear and bright, the palms softly rustle in the breeze, and I have time to listen to nature.

The piece has natural, finished wood sides so you can display with our without a frame.

Pricing Information: $950 USD

Disco, 14X18, oil

Glitzy globes celebrate weekend nights on a dance floor. Visiting Tucson, we ventured to a local bar and were welcomed by these shimmering mirror ball lights. This painting works the light reflections up in thin layers, painted on canvas, and brings the carefree joy of music and movement to any room.

Pricing Information: $775 USD